Quest for Knowledge

Monday, July 26, 2004

That Which Is Expressed is Impressed !

The Great Aristotle said that! So I thought why wait for the next big thing and just write about my different observations . So I began my search for the uncommon things that I could share with everyone else, things that surprised me or were different from what they had been previously assumed or hoped. I pondered and struggled. Not much flashed my mind, nothing caught my attention that I had not seen before.
The CNSI Cricket Team lost the cricket match once again, So tell me something new I told myself. Well the big brother did not disappoint too, the Indian Cricket team lost! I gasped. And said it is the Indian cricket team after all.
Another last minute rush to push something into Gold Team Review for Washington State Proposal.Please give me a break I exclaimed! That is the way it works idiot!!
A beautiful woman going to the same city, going on the same plane, walking along with me chooses to sit two seats ahead of me. I said Arvi, come on that is not new to you,It happens all the time Hint Hint...
Finally, I jumped in excitement and said there was something different that happened in the last couple of days..Boston Red Sox finally turn the numbers on the Yankees by winning in the 9th innings. Hold it I instructed myself, It aint the playoffs time, and then it dawned on me that it is yet another usual hollow victory for the Boston Fans.But I guess, I would let them enjoy this victory for the fact that they have been thrown out of their own subways, own roads for a bunch of so called delegates who are going to make empty promises, deliver self admiring speeches filled with hollow claims and tons of false hopes.
Gosh..I sit back and muse over the fact that I could not find anything different happening around me. Am I going to be trapped in the montonous and predicatable world. I think, somewhere I see the change coming, I see the hope of having a new leader and that would be something different. Would it not be!...Till that time I would wait and observe the mundane and express thyself in words. Hold it, I was talking about the Next President of USA, What were you thinking?


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